Gwyn's senior year!

Gwyn, her mom Amy and I enjoyed roaming around The Brenton Arboretum on a beautiful weeknight the first day of Fall. As I watched the weather leading up to it, there was no chance of rain until a few days before but said isolated before we started our session. There was no sign of rain so I thought we were in the clear until we got half way done with our session it started sprinkling then turned straight to pouring rain. Thank goodness I keep 3 umbrellas in my car. One for me personally and two clear ones for my clients. The clear umbrella worked out great as a prop with Gwyn's blue dress. Finally after waiting and still taking pictures the sky cleared and we were able to use up the last few minutes of the sunset to get the rest of the session done. Fun fact: Gwyn's mom Amy is my former High School teacher. I remember she was pregnant with her when I was in her class Sophomore year. The funny thing is the last time I saw Mrs. Llewellyn was 15 years ago when I graduated High School 5 months pregnant and now I'm 7 months pregnant with my second kiddo. So crazy how life works!