There is more to photo shoots then just picking up a camera and taking photos. Photographers have a lot of their plate when scheduling a photo shoot and during the process. Here is a look at what goes through the mind of a photographer.
When picking a location we consider the following: lighting, volume of traffic and areas we can use for props.
Lighting is a huge factor. It determines the exposure and ability to capture a photo without all the extra editing. Sure you will do some editing but the point of being a great photographer is not having to rely on the editing but using the lighting to your advantage. That's why its so important to schedule on a gloomy, cloudy day if possible or get that perfect timing during golden hour.
Posing comes into play at certain times in the shoot when getting those shots to send out to grandma, holiday cards etc. but the real fun is when we can get passed the awkwardness and into the laughter, smiles and true beauty. I may tease you a little, say something to make you laugh or catch you when you're least expecting it. The point is to relax and enjoy the photo shoot. Not over think it. If you have suggestions, I'm open to it.
I always carry a backpack for my camera, water, gum, phone, props and to be a temporary holder for your pacifiers, blankets and hair ties etc. My job is to take the ease off your hands, not add to it.
I send out questionnaires before the shoot to better help me get to know you and your family. This is a great conversation starter!
before your shoot you may see me wandering around looking for ideas and lighting prior. I always show up 15 mins ahead of time. This helps me be ahead of the game, so we can keep it going smoothly as possible.
You will end your shoot with me providing you business cards and a thank you card to show my appreciation!